Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ding Dong!

I don’t mean to brag, but I got a new doorbell yesterday. It took three handymen to install it. Apparently I bought the wrong kind of doorbell from Home Depot and they needed to bring in “the big drill.” I’m still not sure if the big drill was the actual drill (which was huge) or the six foot tall, bulky Slavic man who brought it upstairs (also huge). While the handymen were drilling, my 78-year-old neighbor Helen walked by. She was bundled up for the Tundra in a heavy overcoat and scarf (it was 62° yesterday). “What’s the news?” she wanted to know. “I’m getting a new doorbell,” I answered. “WHY?” Helen demanded. “Because the old one didn’t work,” I explained. Then Helen turned to the handymen. “I know she’s a pretty lady but three men in her apartment?!” Helen laughed. Good one, Helen! Meanwhile, this was her dream come true. Three eligible bachelors in my apartment. One of them with a big drill! Maybe some news will come out of this. I told her as much and she laughed even harder.

The elevator came and Helen got in. As the doors were closing, I heard her say, “It’s warm out?”


  1. I'm dying for Ding Dong! Part 2! and for FloriSchlog! Don't make your fans wait too long.

  2. Hi Holly, sorry to contact you this way, but I haven't been able to find your agent contact.
    I am working on a tv animated show that is starting development for a major kids network and was wondering if you could be interested in hearing about it.
    If you could write me back at I would appreciate it very much.
    Sorry again for the non-ortodox way to get in touch.
    All the best,
